Our Programs
Hope Through Horses, Inc. has three (3) programs in furtherance of our mission - focused initially on the horse-human healing methods of Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® (“EGCM”):
1. CCS (Client Coaching Service Grants) - Grants to EGCMethod® Certified Practitioner Organizations for Programs supporting EGCM Coaching Clients with EGCM Coaching Horse Partners. The purpose of this program is to expand the availability of EGCM Practices to Individuals who would not otherwise have the resources to access horse-human healing. We provide need and/or merit grants to offset expenses for EGCM Coaching Clients to participate in EGCM Coaching Programs with EGCM Coaching Horse Partners.
To submit a Grant Request, please use this link:
Hope Through Horses - CCS Grant Request Form
Note: This form is for use by EGCMethod® Certified Practitioner Organizations - Client Service Grants only.
2. TBAHS (Touched By A Horse Scholarship Grants) - Grants for Scholarships to TBAH Certification Program Students. The purpose of this program is to provide funding for TBAH Students to help pay their tuition and other program related expenses for their EGCM/GCM Certification Program. We provide need and/or merit based grants toward EGCM/GCM training for individuals who would not otherwise have the resources to become certified.
Please contact Melisa Pearce at TBAH directly for more details.
Note: This form is for use by Melisa Pearce and TBAH Staff - TBAH Scholarship Grants only.
3. CP BIZ (Certified Practitioner Business Grants) - Grants to EGCMethod® Certified Practitioner Organizations for Client Outreach Expenses. The purpose of this program is to provide funding to EGCM Certified Practitioners for Client Outreach Expenses to help them develop, build and expand their own EGCM coaching businesses. We provide need and/or merit grants to help support EGCM Certified Practitioners with Client Outreach Expenses that arise in developing, building and expanding an EGCM Coaching Business.
To submit a Grant Request, please use this link:
Hope Through Horses - CP Business Marketing Grant Request Form
Note: This form is for use by EGCMethod® Certified Practitioner Organizations - Client Outreach Grants only.
EGCMethod® Certified Practitioners